• info@malamakau.org
  • Ka'u, Hawaii 96777
Malama Ka’u Foundation is, and always will be, majority-owned and controlled by Native Hawaiians, and whose business activities will principally benefit Native Hawaiians living in the State of Hawaii. We are a tax-exempt, Non-Profit 501(c)3 Community Service Organization chartered by the state of Hawaii with our headquarters located in our Founder and Chairman's hometown, Pahala Ka'u, located on the Big Island of Hawaii.

What is a "Native Hawaiian?"

The term “Native Hawaiian” means any individual who is— (A) a citizen of the United States; and (B) a descendant of the aboriginal people, who, prior to 1778, occupied and exercised sovereignty in the area that currently constitutes the State of Hawaii, as evidenced by— (i) genealogical records; (ii) verification by kupuna (elders) or kamaʻaina (long-term community residents); or (iii) birth records of the State of Hawaii.
- Source: 25 USC § 4221(9)

Malama Ka'u Foundation's Board of Directors

CAPT Mel Yokoyama Jr, USN (retired)

CAPT Mel Yokoyama Jr, USN (retired)

Founder & Board Chairman

*Native Hawaiian

Kauwilakalaokalani Kaina Papalauahi “K” Liufau

Kauwilakalaokalani Kaina Papalauahi “K” Liufau

Board Vice Chairman

*Native Hawaiian

Jeff Abish

Jeff Abish

Board Treasurer
Meredith Yokoyama

Meredith Yokoyama

Board Secretary

*Native Hawaiian

CAPT Wesley Sanders, USN (retired)

CAPT Wesley Sanders, USN (retired)

Board Director

*Native Hawaiian

* Officially Registered as a Native Hawaiian with the 

Office of Hawaiian Affairs

Defined as “any organization that is composed primarily of Native Hawaiians from a specific community that assists in the social, cultural, and educational development of Native Hawaiians in that community.”
Our late Senator Daniel Inouye fought hard for NHOs to participate in SBA’s 8(a) program. Specifically, for NHO-owned for-profit 8(a) subsidiaries to receive lucrative US Federal Government sole source contracts . THE ONLY REASON NHO-OWNED COMPANIES ARE ELIGIBLE FOR DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE SOLE SOURCE CONTRACTS...UP TO $100 MILLION...IS BECAUSE OF THE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DISADAVANTAGES OF NATIVE HAWAIIANS.Unfortunately, most local Hawaii residents are UNAWARE of this Federal Government program; which was specifically established to support them! We are 100% committed to educating the Native Hawaiian community on the advantages of a nonprofit Native Hawaiian Organization (NHO) and participating in the SBA's 8(a) business development program to receive funds generated by the NHO's for-profit 8(a) companies.

If we can do it, so can they!

Want to support the Ka'u Community?

The largest commerce in Ka'u was sugar and leading the industry during its prime was Hawaiian Agriculture Co and Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Co.Hawaiian Agriculture Co was established in 1876 but did not start producing sugar cane until 1880. Locally, it was known as the Pahala Plantation but legally the corporation was filed as the Hawaiian Agricultural Co. The company employed many workers including immigrants from Philippines, Japan, Portugal, and others. Corporate housing projects were built to provide living quarters for staff and added to the community of Pahala. The founders were Peter C. Jones, Charles R. Bishop, J.D. Brewer, and H.A.P. Carter.